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10 Tips to Be More Comfortable at the Dentist

Uncomfortable at the Dentist

Fear of the dentist is a real thing. For most people with dentophobia, the mere thought of going to the dentist makes them feel queasy. But for some, discomfort and anxiety arise when they sit on the chair or see the dental tools.

This phobia often makes a person dismiss the idea of visiting the dentist altogether. However, unlike other forms of phobia that don’t need to be addressed, missing out on a dental appointment affects your oral hygiene and overall well-being.

Dental phobia may have been rooted in a bad experience, perhaps aggravated by the fear of shots, the sound of the drill or other equipment creating a panic attack or the feeling of embarrassment for poor dental hygiene.

However deeply rooted your fear may be, your dental health is critical in maintaining your overall health. So, it is best to relieve your anxiety and fear of the dentist to prevent the spread of other nasty health problems.

10 Tips to Relieve Dental Anxiety

1.    Know the Root Cause of Your Anxiety

Dental anxiety is different for everyone. It helps to know what causes you to fear going to the dentist. Whether your fear the procedure, tools, place, or dentist, knowing exactly the cause can help you find the best solution to overcome your phobia.

2.    Find a Dentist Who Caters to Dental Phobic

Many dentists go the extra mile to learn how to handle patients with dental anxiety. Their special studies help them understand the needs and fears of their patients. Whether children or adults, these dentists ensure you walk out of the clinic with a beautiful smile while minimizing anxiety one visit at a time.

Find a Dentist Who Caters to Dental Phobics

3.    Communicate Your Fear

Never let your fears get bottled up, instead, be brave to communicate them. It does not have to be a dentist. That person can be your parent, sibling, friend, psychiatrist, or someone you trust. Find a person you can be comfortable sharing your thoughts and listening for advice. You will realise that after talking to someone, you’ll feel more at ease and somewhat relieved.

4.    Do Any Relaxation

Some forms of relaxation can help alleviate muscle tension, relieving nerve traction. They include deep breathing, meditation and exercising. Essentially, this help relaxes the mind and muscles from the pressure that creates discomfort and anxiety.

So before heading out to the dentist, do any of these relaxation routines and ease your mind from negativity.

5.    Avoid Food and Drinks that Can Contribute to Anxiety

While caffeine-rich drinks and sugar-packed foods are good pick-me-up breakfast meals, they are not advisable before your dental appointment. These food components make you more jittery and agitated while boosting your nerves. It is better to have some calming tea, almonds or dark chocolate to soothe your anxiety.

6.    Create a Distraction

Some dental clinics offer modes of distraction like television or piped-in music to keep your mind from the procedure. Other dentists also allow their patients to wear headphones while listening to calming sounds.

Younger patients can hug their favourite plushie or play with a fidget toy while being treated. This helps keep your mind busy with something else; before you know it, the dental treatment is over.

Create a Distraction

7.    Bring a Companion During the Visit

As they say, 2 heads are better than one. Bringing a companion during your dental visit assures you are not alone. And it eases the thought of no one rescuing you when you yell for help or cry in pain. So, whatever happens, you have someone you can rely on.

8.    Be There on Time

They say the early bird catches the worm, but that is not the case for dental phobia. A long wait at the clinic can cause you to feel anxious. You should arrive on time, not too early or too late, because when you are late, you tend to rush, making you more nervous.

9.    Ask Questions

Fear of the unknown is another reason people experience dentophobia. So, it is highly recommended to ask your dentist or the people you trust about things you want to know about dental visits and treatments.

You can email or call your South Morang dentist about your questions or ask away before the procedure starts during your appointment. And if you have other questions after the treatment, do not hesitate to raise them. Your dentist will be glad you did.

10. Do not Listen to Telltale Stories

When others tell stories about their dental experience, some exaggerate, affecting you mentally, emotionally, and psychologically. They vary from one patient to another and from one practitioner to another. Your neighbour’s experience does not conclude what you will go through with your dental treatment, so clear your mind and don’t listen to such stories.

Do not Listen to Telltale Stories

These are just 10 tips that can help you get through your dental visit without feeling uncomfortable and anxious. To learn more about overcoming your dental fear, consult your SmileVille Dentist today!

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    Chiara Xerri
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    Great experience. Dr. Shreyas is great and keeps you informed throughout the appointment about what they are doing. Monica, the practice manager is also very pleasant to deal with.
    Calvin Yap
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    Quick and reasonable price. Thanks for Dr.Jessica. She given me a good service and make me feel comfortable to take out my bad tooth. Will be there again.
    Lorraine Hétu Manifold
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    Very good service and highly skilled dentist. They go out of their way to make sure patients don’t have any pain. They call the next day to make sure we’re ok. All in all, excellent service.
    Daniela Pla
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    Monica and the team are so welcoming and compassionate! Honestly best dental experience I have ever had. I would recommend this practice to anyone who is anxious about going to the dentist like I was. They make you feel so comfortable!
    Tina Drossos
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    I was very happy with the dental work at Smileville! Calvin was really nice and he did a great job with my fillings. I just wanted to also say thank you to Monica for scheduling me in at her earliest availability. Overall, a very satisfactory experience - would highly recommend!!
    Dan G
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    Simply fantastic. Dr Jessica is friendly, works very efficiently and gives no pain! I had a sizeable filling and she made the tooth look and feel like new. Highly recommended.

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